Plastic ThinkingTM Guidance for ECHA Questions and Answers on the Restriction Proposal on intentionally added microplastics. On 19th July 2019 ECHA published Guidance for ECHA Questions and Answers on the Restriction Proposal on intentionally added microplastics. The...
Plastic Free Glasto Earlier this month, the organizers of Glastonbury Festival, one of the biggest events of the summer, worked with Greenpeace to ban the sale of single-use plastic bottles and encouraged visitors to bring their own reusable alternatives. Sir David...
Fewer countries will accept exports of plastic waste Plastic production is growing at unprecedented International and national laws are being introduced which will impact the use of plastic. The impact on wildlife is becoming well understood Organisations are coming...
Plastic ThinkingTMÂ Guidance for Compliance with EU Single Use Plastics Rules and the amendment to the Basel Convention. In Brussels, on 21 May the new rules on single-use plastics to reduce marine plastic litter were released. The information provided below...
Mega trends are tracked by businesses and investors to predict future opportunity and threat and although specific industry sectors may place a different emphasis on individual issues many of the 2019 assessments indicate the following key issues: Global growth shifts...